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CBD waffles: a great way to start a day with a tasty and invigorating snack

Who doesn’t love waffles? They perfectly work to show one’s culinary skills, make a morning pick-me-up for a great kick-off of the day & treat oneself with something delicious, which amazingly combines with freshly brewed Ethiopian Arabica & various toppings. There are a number of shapes that anyone can make nearly effortlessly (given a waffle maker allows for making the shape to their preference):

  • Belgian
  • Hotdog
  • Taiyaki (fish-shaped)
  • Bubble (egg-shaped), etc.

Although there are many shapes that waffles come in, there are only so many options for making good batter for them to bake a crispy and yummy brownish piece. We’re considering the recipe below (that’s just right for 2-3 servings that are enough for a morning wake-me-yummily breakfast for one person).

And one more little shtick makes waffles way more exceptional — adding CBD oil to the batter.


Explanation of CBD and its potential benefits

CBD is a substance retrieved from many parts of the hemp plant (flowers, leaves & sometimes stalks, but not seeds or roots), which is part of the family of Cannabis sativa

species. The name CBD is the shortage from “Cannabidiol”, one of the hundreds of substances that the hemp plant has. Unlike another widely known component of hemp — THC — which has a psychedelic effect on the human brain, CBD does not bring people the sensation of being high and has other types of action:

  • It helps make sleep smoother, firmer & calmer.
  •  Reduces the levels of various types of pain (joints, bones, bruises, headache, stomach pain, etc.), as well as inflammations
  • Reduces depression, anxiety & seizures connected to epilepsy
  •  Relaxes and allows a person to have a better time.


Ingredients needed for waffles with CBD

Per 2-3 servings of waffles with CBD (5 or 6 inches in diameter), the following ingredients are necessary:

  • Flour: one cup
  • Regular table sugar: one Tbs.
  • Salt: quarter ts.
  • Whole or fat-free cow milk: one cup
  • One egg
  •  Butter: two-three Tbs. (melted)
  •  Vanilla extract: half ts.
  • Baking powder: one ts.
  • CBD oil: five to twenty mg per serving, 10-60 mg according to this recipe.
  •  Toppings that one wishes to add to one’s waffles when they’re ready.

The list of toppings one can add is relatively large and includes maple syrup, chocolate/caramel syrup, honey, Nutella, pieces of canned or fresh fruits, whipped cream, fresh or frozen berries, peanut butter, ice cream, whole or grated nuts, sugar powder & melted chocolate. Remember that waffles also perfectly combine with salty kinds of food, not only sweet ones, so feel free to add fried bacon or eggs to this dish. A batter optimally suitable for salty toppings is received by dividing the sugar volume by 2 & multiplying the salt volume indicated in the recipe by two or leaving it as is.


Preparation for cooking

Several key utensils & kitchenware items are necessary for the process:

  1. Capacious enough bowl.
  2. Whisk/fork for mixing.
  3. Spoons of corresponding sizes, measuring cup.
  4.  Waffle maker to cook pieces of the shape one prefers.
  5.  Fork/spatula to remove the cooked pieces from the maker.
  6. Ladle to measure the batter to be poured onto the cooking surface.


    The entire process of cooking starts with mixing the ingredients & ends when delicious hot servings are received. It takes up to 20 minutes.

    1. Put the flour, sugar, salt & baking powder.
    2. Put butter in a cup & melt it in a microwave.
    3. Add milk, eggs, vanilla extract & melted butter in the bowl and whisk together well to receive liquid batter. Do not over-mix because the batter should remain liquid enough to be poured easily with a ladle and distributed evenly inside the waffle maker. If there is a feeling that the batter is too dense (close to the dough), then add more milk (and melted butter) to liquefy it.
    4. Turn on the waffle maker and pre-heat it according to the manufacturer’s instructions (usually, they are written in a user manual or indicated somewhere on its surface).
    5.  Now, when the needed temperature is reached, add the necessary volume of CBD oil and stir the batter well for half a minute. Adding it at this stage preserves its high potency.
    6. Apply the cooking spray on the maker’s hot surface or grease it with a piece of butter (be careful so as not to scratch the surface).
    7. Using the ladle, pour the batter onto the cooking surface, following the instructions of the manufacturer (and chef’s experience) so as not to over-pour the mass and preserve it well within after closing the waffle maker.
    8. Depending on the maker's model, the heat temperature & the volume of the used batter, a crispy & brownish waffle is ready in 3-5 minutes. Please make sure not to open the maker too early to avoid liquid batter pouring away — it’s safe to check it after 2 minutes. Also, avoid cooking it for too long — the color should not be dark-brown and especially burnt.
    9. Add favorite toppings before serving.

    Dosage and Safety of CBD oil

    Depending on the potency of CBD oil one’s using, individual tolerance, the number of servings that one plans to make with the addition of CBD oil & a person’s history of using it, the exact volume of added CBD oil to waffles will differ. Starting with a lower dosage initially, one can help themselves avoid possible side effects of CBD on their body (such as dry mouth, drowsiness, nausea, or appetite swings). In this particular recipe, starting with 5 mg of CBD oil in total is safe, and gradually adjusting it the next time CBD waffles are cooked to fit individual preferences and sensations.

    Start with finding high-quality CBD oil. Finding the right product is the essential step to receiving perfect waffles or any other bakery one’s doing at home. Avoid diluted oil (because it is weaker in its effect), flavored (because it will alter the flavor of a culinary product, sometimes, unpredictably), or one that only has an addition of CBD oil into its oily substance (because it will likely not have an effect).


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